Biogas plants

Biofilm in Biogas-Plants

We have been treating pressurized water washes in biogas plants for several years.

Our concept reduces existing biofilm and prevents renewed contamination.

In biogas plants, biogas is processed into bio methane using a specially developed process so it can be fed into the natural gas transmission network. Biofilm in the individual circulation process water lines contaminates plants, energy efficiency significantly decreases, and the cost of cooling increases. After a run time of about four to five months, the system needs intense cleaning. This leads to production downtime and standstill of the lines.

The following problems arise as a result of contamination of circulating cooling water:

  1. Reduced gas yield
  2. Increased energy costs caused by contamination of plate heat exchangers
  3. Down time due to cleaning intervals
  4. High cost of cleaning

Biofilm does not stand a chance against NADES 2.0®

Implementation of NADES 2.0® is the basis of optimization of process water. It ensures that an optimized process water is available continuously during production.

NADES 2.0® removes existing biofilm and counteracts renewed contamination. Our customers experience a significantly improved hygienic standard of process water and associated positive results.

NADES 2.0® provides many advantages. It has high microbiological efficacy, reduces biofilm, and is not a hazardous substance – in contrast to conventional sodium hypochlorite. In addition, production on site / just-in-time, eliminates the need for transport, storage and disposal of canisters.

We provide staff security combined with microbiological safety plus sustainability.

Your benefits

  1. Stable gas yield
  2. Prevention of contamination of the plate exchanger and therefore lower energy costs
  3. Significant prolongation of cleaning intervals and thus less downtime
  4. Inexpensive biocide, generated on site